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Optic Security Group
  • Writer's pictureOptic Security Group

Cultivating Connections: The Trans-Tasman Odyssey of Relationship Building in Integrated Security solutions

In the dynamic realm of business, the importance of fostering and maintaining relationships cannot be overstated. At Optic Security Group, headquartered in Australia with a significant presence across New Zealand, the commitment to building, establishing, and nurturing connections at senior levels stands as a testament to our core values.

Group of security professionals in office
Optic Security Group professionals in office

1. The Auckland Connection

Recently, our CEO, Ferzad Bharucha, and CFO, Denis Tarasov, embarked on a journey with our Auckland-based team. Beyond the usual updates and insights shared with our dedicated staff, the duo recognized the value of meeting with long-term partners. One such key player in our network is Atlas Gentech NZ Limited, now Wesco Anixter.

Senior leader men meeting at office
Optic Security Group meet with Atlas Gentech

During their Auckland visit, Ferzad and NZ Sales Manager Nik Boeinghoff engaged in a thought-provoking discussion with Chris Fair, National Sales Manager - Security, and Andrew D. T. The dialogue not only delved into the current market dynamics but also envisioned the future of security innovations. This meeting echoed our unwavering commitment to fostering enduring relationships and pushing the boundaries of innovation in the security industry.

Group of Men meet under creative posters
Spark Arena and Optic Security Group

2. Spark Arena: Where Relationships Take Center Stage

Optic Security Group has proudly walked in the footsteps of some of the biggest names in show business at Spark Arena. Despite the absence of major shows during our visit, the longstanding relationship between Optic Security Group, Optic Digital, and Spark Arena was celebrated. CFO Denis Tarasov, Solutions Architect Lee Ashton, National Sales Manager NZ Nik Boeinghoff, and CEO Ferzad Bharucha shared a moment with Spark Arena Facility Manager Liam Gaffney, showcasing the strength of a partnership that continues to grow.

This glimpse into the world of Spark Arena is a testament to the power of collaboration and shared visions, promising an exciting future in the ever-evolving landscape of security.

5 men meeting under logo at office
Optic Security Group meeting with Gallagher

3. Gallagher Security: Strengthening Bonds Beyond Borders

A few months ago, members of our Senior Leadership Team visited Gallagher Security in Hamilton, New Zealand. Fast forward, and Gallagher's Brad Small made the reciprocal journey to our Auckland office. The meeting between Brad, CEO Ferzad Bharucha, CFO Denis Tarasov, NZ Sales Manager Nik Boeinghoff, and the Auckland team served as a progress update on Optic's T23 transformation initiatives.

This ongoing collaboration with Gallagher Security signifies the closeness of our partnership, with future prospects aligning branches across our trans-Tasman Group. The power of this partnership is not just a catchphrase; it's a commitment to collective growth and success.

The Journey Continues

As we traverse the landscapes of Australia and New Zealand, our commitment to meeting clients regularly and effectively is not just a business strategy—it's a philosophy. These encounters are not mere exchanges of pleasantries; they are the building blocks of enduring relationships, driving innovation, and setting the stage for a secure future.

Join us in this journey of connection and collaboration. Explore the caliber of clients we proudly work with and the exciting developments that lie ahead. Visit our website for a deeper dive into the world of Optic Security Group – where relationships flourish, visions align, and excellence is not just a goal but a shared reality.

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